Mission Statement
The Hispanic President's Council (HPC) aims to amplify the diverse voices of the Hispanic/Latinx/a/o community at Texas A&M University and its surrounding areas. To fulfill this mission, the council seeks to promote the awareness of existing Hispanic/Latinx/a/o organizations to the student body; and through serving as a liaison between these organizations and Texas A&M University . HPC additionally seeks to support the greater Hispanic/Latinx/a/o community at Texas A&M University through disseminating resources, advocating on behalf of community concerns, and promoting Hispanic/Latinx/a/o culture at Texas A&M University.
El objetivo del Consejo de Presidentes Hispanos (HPC) es amplificar las voces diversas de la comunidad Hispana/Latine/a/o en Texas A&M University y sus alrededores. Para cumplir con esta mision, el consejo busca promover el conocimiento de las organizaciones Hispanas/Latine/a/o existentes entre el cuerpo estudiantil, y sirviendo como enlace entre estas organizaciones y Texas A&M Univesity. Ademas, HPC busca apoyar a la comunidad Hispana/Latine/a/o en Texas A&M University a traves de la difusion de recursos, la defensa de las preocupaciones de la comunidad y la promocion de la cultura Hispana/Latine/a/o en Texas A&M University.

"Our network boasts chapters across the state with the mission of serving as an advocate and support group on Hispanic concerns and issues at the University and local communities."